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Monday 12 January 2015

"Symposium" by Elisabeth Tambwe in TQW



Fri 9. Jan. 2015 - 20.30 TQW / Halle G

Symposium starts at the other end. In reversals, through back entrances, dusty stories that were thought to have been forgotten and repressed memories about bodies and language find their way into a borderless and hybrid theatre/auditorium. Catatonically, stuttering, symptomatically, masturbating, haltingly, in the West and the Rest what has been stored unconsciously empties itself, pointing to traces of colonial violence, registered traumas of diaspora communities between the past and the present.
Symposium, by Elisabeth B. Tambwe, is based on the overcoming of barriers between different artistic practices with the incorporation of post-colonial political aspects. Using movement, sound, video and text passages, her performance explores the relationship between ethnocentrism and exclusion, socio-cultural affiliations and historiography that is always subject to ideological distortions.
Symposium is committed dance theatre that does not separate thinking from feeling, uses ironic and provocative humour to comment on the disastrous state of world events, in that the political questioning through the vocabulary of the choreography inconspicuously incorporates the spectators as part of a constantly re-scheduled but never achievable conciliation symposium – illustrative of the illusory promises that lose themselves in a brutal and absurd reality, in which at best self-gratification offers a glimmer of home.
#Storage #Memory #Coloniality #Emptying
- Elisabeth B. Tambwe, born in Kinshasa in 1971, studied fine art at the École des Beaux-Arts Tourcoing in France. In her works she interweaves contemporary dance and performance with visual art and sound. Alongside the collaboration with Serge-Aymé Coulibaly, George Momboye, Graciane Finzi and Cyril Viallon, Faustin Lyniékula and Robyn Orlin among others at the Centre National de la Danse Pantin or at the Théâtre de la Vilette Paris, in 2005 Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe founded Cie Dixit in Lille. Since then, her works have included Mon cœur balance, in 2005 at the Théàtre Melkweg Amsterdam, Concerto pour corps bruyants, in 2006, among others at the Festival Le Manifeste, KVS – Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, Brussels, and Le Vivat Armentières, and in 2008/2009 React in silence, please, at the 2008 Impulse Festival, Dschungel Wien and the WUK-Theater Wien. She has been living and working in Vienna since 2007.

PERFORMER / DANCER: Elisabeth B. Tambwe, Adriana Cubides, Radek Hewelt
SCENOGRAPHY: Elisabeth B. Tambwe, Gregory Crapet
OBJECTS DESIGN: Gregory Crapet
VIDEO / SOUND ARTIST: Nicolas Spencer
RESEARCH SUPPORT: Alex Mabes, Benoit Jouan
SUPPORTED BY: Nada Local studio
PRODUCTION: Dig Up Productions
CO-PRODUCTION: Tanzquartier Wien, Dance Web in the framework of Life Long Burning
SUPPORTED BY: the City of Vienna (Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs), BMUKK
WITH SUPPORT OF: the Culture Programme of the European Union


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